In this section we have complied favorite links for your convenience. Every link from this page is rated "G". Some are to help you achieve your goals in real estate and make your transition smoother, some are places of valuable everyday information, and some are just FUN! So, let's get "surfing"! Don't let the cursors worry you - you don't have to if you do't want but if you install the free program you will see fun cursors on some pages and they will return to normal when you leave!
HOME RELATED LINKS - great tools for moving tips, financing, maps, relocation helps, home inspections, glossaries and calculators.
INFORMATION for everyday about home repair, appliances, weather, money, gardening and generally useful resources.
HOLIDAY FUN great holiday stuff from recipes to wallpaper for a seasonal computer.
KIDS STUFF - excellent sites for lots of great things for all ages.
FREE STUFF! What could be better than free?
SHOPPING - deals, discounts and neat stores - you can even shop at Harrod's online!
PLUGGER's PICKS - articles with tips and neat sites of interest to all.