Paperwork required for a loan
Getting a loan can mean miles of forms to fill out. The process will be easier if you find the paperwork ahead of time and bring it with you to the lender's office. Here is a checklist you can print out and use when getting ready to apply for a loan:
_____ Complete copy of the signed Purchase Agreement
_____W-2 forms or profit-and-loss statements (for self-employed individuals) for the past two years
_____ Pay stubs (one month's worth - most recent)
_____ Bank statements (three months' worth) for checking, savings and other accounts
_____ Investment statements for stocks, bonds and other investments
_____ Tax returns (two years' worth)
_____ Mortgage papers for any other property owned
_____ Copies of loan papers for other loans (e.g. car loans)
_____ Paperwork showing any other major debts
_____ Certificate of Eligibility (VA only)
_____ Telephone numbers and addresses of your workplace, so the lender can verify your income